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The Bloom Room

Pink Roses Bouquet


A bouquet of classic stunning pink roses combines with minimal greenery . The perfect roses bouquet. 

Standard is 10 Roses

Large is 15 Roses 

Luxe is 20 Roses 

The colour is subject to availability - hot pink or light pink is available 

Celebrate with a bouquet of pink roses . Our exclusive flowers for any occasion will be delivered with same-day delivery, making it the perfect gift for mum. Show your appreciation with the elegance and beauty of pink roses.

***We use only the freshest seasonal flowers, subject to availability. Images are provided purely as a guide and we will do our best to capture the style of the image. If you have specific requirements regarding flower selection, please call (03) 9572 2994 or contact us.

Pink Roses Bouquet


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Debra Dubois

It was perfect.

Thank you so much for the lovely review :)